Did you know that the little choices we make every day impact our planet? 
From driving a car to using a plastic water bottle or even tossing trash, it all adds up in our planet's carbon calculator.

At Grey Scale Festival, we're stepping up our game to be more eco-friendly.
 We're doubling down on our environmental efforts and introducing new initiatives to cut down on emissions, and reduce waste. 
But we know there's more work ahead, and we're dedicated to creating a future where our actions don't harm the planet.

But hey, we can't do this alone! 
Join us on our journey toward a greener, more sustainable Grey Scale. 
Let's make a difference together!


    We are dedicated to supporting local environmental protection, conservation, and reclamation efforts. Our actions:
    • Working with vendors committed to sustainability and employing environmental best practices
    • Sourcing food from local producers, prioritizing ingredients from within a 250-mile radius
    • Sourcing organic and fair-trade foods


      We are committed to reducing carbon emissions by decreasing our energy consumption and increasing our use of renewable energy. Highlighted efforts:
      • Tracking and measuring event-related carbon emissions
      • Using energy efficient technologies like LED lights

      three.WASTE & MATERIALS

        Our team implements a comprehensive waste diversion and sustainable materials strategy to divert waste away from the landfill. The strategy includes:
        • Creating signage and décor pieces that can be reused at future events
        • In partnership with the Venue, providing cups for cold beverages to be collected, washed, and reused at future events
        • Recycling plastics, aluminum, paper, cardboard, and glass
        • Donating leftover materials to local nonprofit organizations